


УДК 159.9



The candidate of psychological sciences, docent Shandruk S. K.

Ternopil National Economic University, Ukraine,  Ternopil


Considered the theoretical bases of organization training-productive activity of future practical psychologists. Presented basic scientific approaches to understanding the innovative creative activity of  psychologist-professional. Determined the principles of development the system of forms and  methods of work on development creative professional abilities and singled out the basic conditions of formation creative personality of students of psychological profile during training-productive activity. Substantiated the necessity of implementation into educational process of training psychologists the innovative technologies, forms, methods and means for the development of creative abilities and creative potential of future specialists of psychological profile. Proved the expediency of usage training-productive activity for the formation of professional creative abilities of students-psychologists.

Key words: personality, training-productive activity, professional creative abilities, creative activity, training-cognitive activity, innovative-productive learning.

Кандидат психологічних наук, доцент Шандрук С.К. Теоретико-методологічні основи організації навчально-продуктивної діяльності студентів-психологів / Тернопільський національний економічний університет, Україна, Тернопіль

Розглянуто теоретичні основи організації навчально-продуктивної діяльності  майбутніх практичних психологів. Представлено основні наукові підходи до розуміння інноваційної творчої діяльності психолога-професіонала. Визначено принципи розробки системи форм і методів роботи з розвитку творчих професійних здібностей та виокремлено основні умови формування творчої особистості студентів психологічного профілю під час навчально-продуктивної діяльності. Обґрунтовано необхідність впровадження в освітній процес підготовки психологів інноваційних технологій, форм, методів і засобів для розвитку творчих здібностей та творчого потенціалу майбутніх фахівців психологічного профілю. Доведено доцільність застосування навчально-продуктивної діяльності для формування професійних творчих здібностей студентів-психологів.

Ключові слова: особистість, навчально-продуктивна діяльність, професійні творчі здібності, творча діяльність, навчально-пізнавальна діяльність, інноваційно-продуктивне навчання.

Кандидат психологических наук, доцент Шандрук С.К. Теоретико-методологические основы организации учебно-продуктивной деятельности студентов-психологов / Тернопольский национальный экономический университет, Украина, Тернополь

Рассмотрены теоретические основы организации учебно-продуктивной деятельности будущих практических психологов. Представлены основные научные подходы к пониманию инновационной творческой деятельности психолога-профессионала. Определены принципы разработки системы форм и методов работы по развитию творческих профессиональных способностей и выделены основные условия формирования творческой личности студентов психологического профиля во время учебно-продуктивной деятельности. Обоснована необходимость внедрения в образовательный процесс подготовки психологов инновационных технологий, форм, методов и средств для развития творческих способностей и творческого потенциала будущих специалистов психологического профиля. Доказана целесообразность применения учебно-продуктивной деятельности для формирования профессиональных творческих способностей студентов-психологов.

Ключевые слова: личность, учебно-продуктивная деятельность, профессиональные творческие способности, творческая деятельность, учебно-познавательная деятельность, инновационно-продуктивное обучение.


Formulation of the problem. The system of higher education in Ukraine orient on new paradigmal innovative-productive foundations which directed primarily on the development of creative personality of future specialist who is able not only to reproductive professional activity but at the same time is able to realize productive-creative work, to apply nonordinary, original variants of solutions professional tasks. So exactly these circumstances predetermines reorientation of the system of training future specialist in general and practical psychologists in particular, because solving these questions foresees the formation of creative personality of professional who is able to self-development, self-education, innovative-productive activities. Successfulness of achievement the given goal depends not only on what is internalized (content of education) but also on how is internalized: individually or collectively, in authoritarian or humanitarian conditions, with support on attention, perception, memory or on personal potential of the person, with help of reproductive or active methods of training and upbringing [1, p.38], that is saying about that during HEI (Higher Educational Institute) training future of psychological profile, expediently to work out new approaches to the development and application of innovative methods and forms of training-productive activity of students-psychologists for improving their professional competence, readiness to realize psychological activity, enabling the development of creative potential and as a result, the formation of a creative personality of psychologist-professional.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. Problems of development ability, giftedness, creativity during educational process considered by different scientists, in particular general-theoretical question of development creative qualities of personality highlighted in works B. G. Ananiev, D. B. Bogoyavlenskaya, L. I. Bozhovych, V. A. Krutetskiy, A. N. Leontiev, V. O. Molyako, K. K. Platonov, Y. A. Ponomarev, V. V. Rybalko, A. V. Furman, P. M. Yakobson and other, ways of development abilities of creative personality were the subject of research of V. I. Andreev, D. B. Bogoyavlenskaya, V. N. Druzhynin, A. M. Matyushkin, V. V. Rybalko, S. O. Sysoyeva,  P. I. Pidkasistiy, and other, in development of conception of giftedness devoted to research of A. A. Bodalev, L. S. Vyhotskiy, A. G. Kovalev, V. A. Krutetskiy, N. D. Levitov, V. O. Molyako, K. K. Platonov, S. L. Rubinstein, B. M. Teplov, V. D. Shadrikov and other. At the same time in psychology-pedagogical literature on development of creative abilities, giftedness, creative activity, etc, found their realization in the theory and practice mainly in secondary schools but such questions as psychological  bases of content, structure and organization training-productive activity of students of HEI (Higher Educational Institute) which promotes not only formation and development of leading qualities of creative personality but also the development of professional creative abilities of future specialists, didn’t receive enough illumination.

Presentation of the main material. Organization of the training-productive activity of students of psychological profile is enabling in the content of educational process which: firstly, ensures the inclusion of student into cognitive-creative activity on condition when he became the subject of this activity and holistically carries out all its stages – determines the goal of its own activity and realizes it , analyzes and reflects this activity which directs the student to self-improvement and change of themselves; secondly, foresees the usage of problem learning as primarily psychological-didactic systems of content, methods, means, conditions and parameters of such developmental education which causes active mastering by students new knowledge and ways of action in the process of individual and joint search, ensures the accelerated becoming of their cognitive needs and interests, harmonious development of creative thinking, emotions, will [2, p.44], thirdly, oriented on the development of psychological culture of the future professional as highly qualified employee who internalizes, develops, transforms, multiplies, uses psychological values, obtained in theoretical and applied psychology – in favor of the most effective fulfillment of professional activity [3, p.165], fourthly, promotes the formation of creative personality of psychologist-professional by the means of stimulation of such qualities as: independence (personal standards of assessments and considerations), openness of mind (readiness to accept new and uncommon), high tolerance to uncertain and unresolved situations and constructive activity in these situations, developed aesthetic feelings, the ability to produce original thoughts and nonstandard variants of solution complex tasks. So, realization in higher school of these tasks of educational process during the training of psychologists to future psychological work not only on reproductive but also on productive-creative level, will ensure the fulfillment of educational over-task – formation of harmoniously developed, socially active and creative personality of specialist who possesses not only knowledge but also the ability to creative self-development and self-education, ability to solve professional nonordinary tasks and on-time react on social and professional requests of nowadays. At the same time achieving of this goal foresees changing of the conceptual fundamentals with regard to organization of the training-productive activity of students of psychological profile.

Training-productive activity of students is oriented on solving educational problems and creative tasks, at a time is made possible on the basis of indirect and perspective guidance. Moreover, the successfulness of this activity partly depends not so much from the level of development of formal-personal, but from heuristical, intuitive ways of intellectual action and mainly from development of creative abilities of future specialists because only creative professional is able to realize a productive activity. That’s why for the development and application of system of forms and methods of organization the training-productive activity of students of psychological profile must single out certain conceptual fundamentals which directed on formation creative personality of psychologist-professional. Hence is spoken about the formation in future specialists-psychologists the professional creative competence as an integral property of personality which contains a system of special  knowledge, skills, motives and aggregate of professionally significant qualities that by its turn ensures readiness to realization of professional creative activity. Moreover, training-productive activity oriented not so much on studying the known but on combination to it the unknown, on creating by participants the educational product, as a result of which developing skills and abilities which are own for specialists of the relevant science or sphere of activity [4, p.83]. At the same time as a result is receiving a various product moreover training-productive activity the joint creative cooperation of teacher and student and from here appears the need of creation certain conditions for acquisition by last a specific experience which will ensure the achievement by them certain and harmonious intellectual-social and creative development.

The product of joint training activity is: a) structurized and actualized knowledge which acts as a basis of a skill to solve tasks professional activity; b) offering by students new goals of learning and purpose which connected with content of training activity and with regulation of personal positions in the space; c) internal neoplasm of the psyche and activity in the motivational, values and notional meanings [5]. At that, this product is the basis, an integral part of individual experience of a person, because from its structural organization, systemacy, depth, novelty weighty depends on activity of professional.

So, training-productive activity of future specialists of psychological profile we consider as the process of formation certain experience of psychological practice, mastering the skills of realization the professional creative work. At that, “creative fulfillment of work in which person going through need, causing a positive and motivation, and emotion, increases life activity and level of health” [6, p.15]. At that, this kind of activity foresees creative cognitive activity of students which from the one side ensure self-determination and self-development of personality of future specialist and from the other, - improving of creative potential, mastering interactive knowledge, creation of creative environment, combination of independence and responsibility of students for the course and result of educational process. That’s why exactly training-productive activity aimed at creation of personal creative educational product, has interactive character and foresees: firstly, co-creation of all participants of educational process which equivalently promotes the development of their creative abilities and creative potential; secondly, essential increasing of quality of mastering by students knowledge and ensuring opportunities of their rational usage in the new conditions of behavior, professional communication and future activity; thirdly, the formation of creative cognitive activity and development of creative abilities and emotional-volitional features of students; fourthly, the formation of searching productive processes of thinking, in particular creative thinking and think-activity which covering the motivational, intellectual and emotional-volitional activity, searching for the unknown elements of knowledge and establishment mental neoplasm – needs, motives,instructions, generalizations, self-esteem, mental operations etc. [1, p.45]. Herewith appears the problem of usage certain technologies, methods and psycho-didactic conditions of development professional creative abilities of students-psychologists, because only correctly chosen this complex of methods and techniques of learning able to influence on the process of establishing the creative personality which possesses brightly expressed creativity which as general universal ability to creativity appears and realized only in the creative process [7]. So, the usage of training-productive activity at all does not exclude reproductive which is necessarily present but as auxiliary, at the same time it can’t serve as the main impulse of training-productive activity because the last, based first of all on heuristic activity as the main component of development professional creative abilities of future specialists. At the same time training-productive activity differs from training-reproductive by intuition, fantasy, the ability to move away from the usual and that’s why characteristic features of the first is the vision of new problems in familiar, standard situations, the ability to find an alternative resolving or solution, etc.

Conclusions and prospects of further researches. Based on conducted analysis infer that training-productive activity – is a purposeful creative independent or guided by teachers process of productive interaction of students with the surrounding environment and reality with the aim of satisfaction their cognitive and creative needs and interests, the result of which is a creative mastering by them knowledge, formation in them professional creative competences as a result – becoming and development of creative personality of future specialist-professional. So, training-productive  activity of future specialists of psychological profile – is one of important stages of preparation the practical psychologists, that is holistic educational process which is purposeful, systematically organized, controlled from outside or by independently creative interaction, the result of which is in mastering by students psychologists on productive levels the system of scientific knowledge and ways of creative psychological activity.

The perspective of further scientific studies we see in deep analysis of principles and psycho-didactic conditions of usage the system of forms and methods of training-productive activity in the structure of educational process of the training practical psychologists and development in them professional creative abilities.


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