



Furman Oksana,

candidate of psychological sciences, Ternopil National Economic University, Ukraine

Annotation and key words

                In the article to be subject to substantiation the first parameter of innovative-psychological climate (IPC) – social-psychological impact and its classes (cognitive and subjective impact, regulatory-personal interplay, values and individual self-impact, spiritual-universum self-creation), which functioning in the system of modular-developmental learning. Reveals that mentioned impact happens in the socio-cultural space-time of educational interaction and interrelated with other basic parameters of IPC – communication, polimotivation, I-concept.

                Key words: innovative-psychological climate, parameters of climate, social-psychological impact, classes of impact, educational interaction, space-time, modular-developmental system of learning.



                Problems of social-psychological impact even today remains an important sphere not only scientific but also practical interests of psychology. This is connected with that fact that mentioned phenomenon aimed at disclosing the structure, mechanisms, principles, classes, methods, techniques of management mental states. Itself fundamental substantiation of the problem of impact determines “logic of deployment, development and basic “over-task” of social psychology as scientific-practical discipline, will point to the most problematic knots of the touch of psychological science, social practice and social order” [12, p.279].

                As known, a lot of native and foreign scholars-psychologists were engaged by the problem of social-psychological impact. In particular G. O. Kovalev substantiated  relationship of strategies, paradigms and classes of impact that is the basic of formation of such realities of human as individual, subject of activity, personality and individuality; G. M. Andreeva, M. N. Kornev, A. B. Kovalenko revealed psychological  methods of impact in the process of communication – factors of socialization and join of persons into group; T. S. Kabachenko established methods of psychological impact that provide process of actualization the activity of each;  V. P. Sheynov revealed conditions and proposed the technology of hidden management and manipulation in the sphere of traditional and nontraditional methods of impact on the human; Y. V. Sydorenko proposed the classification of kinds of impact and the confrontation of them;  Y. L. Dotsenko pointed out preconditions and mechanisms of manipulation, defining the last as a kind of psychological impact "usage of which causes  hidden excitation of intentions in another person which doesn't match with his topical desires" [8, p. 59]; I. P. Manoha analyzed psychological impact as a principle of organization of scientific research in sphere of psychology; G. O. Ball, M. S. Burgin conducted a detailed analysis of the psychological impact in the context of its educational value; A. V. Furman set rhythms-flows of impacts of organized society on psychocultural development of human; O. Y. Furman has substantiated socio-psychological impact and its classes that contributing to the emergence of "images of subjective reality" (conception of V. I. Slobodchykova, Y. I. Isaeva where the human appears as individual, subject, personality, individuality, universum [11]) and various forms of human activity (behavior, activity, deed etc.); V. V. Znakov made an analysis of manipulation and makiavellizm as something similar and at the same time  different psychological phenomena and discovered their impact on rapport of persons in the process of communication; V. Packard explored opportunities of outside-of-conscious impact on the psychics of human; G. Gerald and M. Deich classified types (kinds) of social impacts that cause changes in the behavior of the individual during the study of the phenomenon of conformity; R. Chaldini formed a principle of psychological act that explain the expression of emotion, mechanism, motivation, decision making; F. Zimbardo and M. Lyayppe focused on the social impact which is aimed at the system of settings and its components. At the same time highlighting the theme of psychological impact, note works which devoted to the study of group pressure (G. Tarde, G. Le Bon, G. Allport, V. M. Behterev), conformism (M. Sherif and other), group polarization (S. Moskovichi), “diffusion of responsibility in the group” ( M. Wallach, N. Kogan, D. Bem), image (V. M. Shepel). On the development of principles of psychological act also affected known conceptions developed in scientific-interpretive format by cognitive direction of western social psychology, namely: cognitive responsibility (M. Heidegger, L. Festinger), attribution and self-attribution (S. Shehter, G. Singer), attraction (T. Newcomb), self-education (D. Bem), management by impressions (G. Tedeshi), intensive impact (M. Rosenberg) and other.

                Note that the  known book of Aristotle "Rhetoric" [1]  written about 350 BC substantiate the Art of psychological impact on other people. Basic principles of social impact and conviction available in it. In terms of Aristotle the success of impact depends on those who is speaking, what to speak and to whom is speaking. „It is interesting to emphasize that this classic formula systematic and experimental testing has got only in the middle XX century, mainly thanks to the famous series of so-called Yale research.

                So one of the important problem that has the core meaning in improving the theoretical and practical components of social being is the determination of patterns of socio-psychological impact on persons, professional community, small and large groups. Substantiation of laws and practical methods of organization of such impact will contribute the increase of efficiency of interpersonal relationships (first of all business and informal communication) in the most difficult area – „human – human“. At the same time it will help to make real progress towards the humanization of relations between them not only in the system of national education but also in the social life of the public's general of the country.

Setting social problem

                In nature of human cohabitation exists various impacts which have excellent structure, laws, principles. It is known that one, cause changes in the forms of human activity (behavior, activity, communication, action), others – in motivation, cognitive processes and others – in emotional-volitional sphere of person. Thus the effect of socio-psychological impact regarding human denotes on her subjective characteristics – needs, settings, attitudes, abilities. That is why outlined problems has intransitive importance for organization of any public work, including training-educative educational practice.

 Educators have to come out on the historical scene as spiritual counselors who will see in younger generation equal persons for parity interaction and effective social-psychological impact and organizing act of school environment should stimulate the emergence and development of internal processes, psychosocial growth of the subject, personality, individuality and universum, causing the formation in them intellectual interests, rule-making skills, high moral traits, creative potential and spiritual self-improvement.

Used methods of research

Generalization, analysis, systematization, modeling, interviews, observations, surveys.

Basic results of research

                Social-psychological impact and its classes [5] in our research unfolds in modular-developmental educational system of learning [13] which was introduced in schools of Ukraine as long term socio-psychological experiment. At the same time IPC [3] characterizes and functioning in this system of learning and holds such parameters as social-psychological impact, educational communication, polimotivation of educational activity and positive-harmonic I-concept, represents by itself self-sufficient integrity of stable conditions and characteristics of the school environment which inherent to modular-developmental learning and cause different forms of psychological activity of students (behavior, activity, action, self-realization), their emotional state and morale  mood, efficiency of interpersonal and intergroup relationships, develops each as a subject, personality, individuality and universum. Indeed as it is known that a favorable psychological climate in the broad sense of the word creates appropriate culture in relationships, is the condition of activation of creative and spiritual potential of human and also this is – psychological “field” or time-space of organization in which its activity happens.

At the same time the legitimacy of functioning four parameters of IPC where one holds an important position, echoes with the principle of quaternity. Quaternity K. G. Jung understood "as a universal archetype, a logical prerequisite of any holistic judgment. Quaternity ... has the structure 3 + 1, in which each element occupies a special position or has rather different nature... Exactly the fourth, complementing those three, make them something the only one, symbolizing Universum” [quote by 7, p. 36-38; 15]. According to this, the first three parameters (impact [5], communication [2], polimotivation [4]) forming externally-internal contour of psychological regulation of students and the last (I-concept [6]) – represents by itself purely inner core of their self-regulation in modular-developmental cycle. It is worth noting that K. Jung speaks about the fifth main element which performs “transcendent function, … represents by itself intermediary basis, “bridge” for uniting opposing functions one of which – conscious (dominant) and the second – is ousted in subconsciousness (oppositional) [15]. In our research previously noted that singled out four parameters of IPC (impact, polimotivation, communication, I-concept) echoed with the principle of quaternity, as far as IPC as fifth generalized givens though holding certain noumenal material but essentially do not belongs to the sphere of transcendent. Obviously this climate concerns to deed-educational reality and that is why phenomenological content dominates in it.

Then let's move on to the analysis of one the parameters of IPC – social-psychological impact and its classes that functioning in appropriate educational space-time and each have different filling of structural components (under-parameters, properties, principles, processes, mechanisms, means, methods) and characterized by mutual transitions from cognitive-subjective impact (acquired knowledge, abilities, skills), regulatory-personal mutual influence (participants of educational interaction study to normalize gained knowledge namely to transfer into plans projects, etc.), value-individual self-impact (based on acquired knowledge and on ability to normalize them, they carry out educational actions – write poems, paint pictures, comprehend ideals, defend values)  to the spiritual-universum self-creation ( is happens the reflection of traversed and inner work with existential resources – faith, hope, beauty, charity, love, prayer).

Note that space and time – it’s a leading categories of impact that characterizes it as a phenomenon. At the same time the first creates peculiar conditions under which happens the course of forms of student activity (behavior, activity, educational deed action, communication), deployed the position and relationships between members of the training-upbringing-educational-self-realization of interaction and forms certain norms and values. A mastery of knowledge, skills, norms, values happens thanks to time organization of psychology which functions in consciousness of successors in the form: a) directly (incorporated in the mechanism of their own biological clock which naturally flying from the past to the future) and b) indirectly endured measurements of time, mainly by way of entering into the flow of educational transitions from eternal to the future through the present into the past (appears thanks to innovative programme-methodological tools and logic of developing the varieties of content of developing interaction). Note that eternal in unison with spiritual-creativity, future – with standard of morality, present – with sociality and the past – with life experience. Noteworthy that space exists as certain subjective objective reality and the time appears as subjective reality and explains the alternately actualization of basic “images of subjective reality” (subject, personality, individuality, universum) [11]. Therefore the time – it’s a secret key to understanding the psychospiritual nature of human in its continuous external causing and multi-mode developmental self-causing.

Received data in own researches of B. I. Tsukanov gives an opportunity “to affirm not only about existence of different levels of time (“psychophysical, psychophysiological, social-psychological, social and personal-psychological” [9]) in psychology of human but also about the unique time organization of person from the birth biological cycles to created subjective attitude to time…”[14].

Subjective experience of time do not comport in psychospiritual world of a separate person with own internal time of its organism, that’s why “appears imaginary independence of subjective time from “physical”, “objective”” [14]. Thanks to "reverse movement" of individual time in consciousness of student exists “arrow of subjective time” which pointing on his fluidity from eternal and future through present into past [14]. On it the present take a special place which S. L. Rubinstein called “natural starting point” [10]. Exceptionally important role in becoming human as spiritual a godlike creation plays an eternal which set though unattainable system of coordinates of earthly life yet no less objective in the ideological-thinking space of substancial. Exactly thanks to the eternal each social  mature person in format of his own acme has a chance to subjectively repelled not from potentially possible or probably achievable future but from impossible, unachievable, unknown and thus outside-space and outside-time namely such that has no space and no time.

In our case the process of normalization (plans, projects, algorithms,  instructions, etc.) namely the present – is some starting point or some kind of bridge on “the arrow of subjective time” of each. Exactly from it, participants of parity relations living modular-developmental cycle as their conscious involvement to the world, go in certain duration from cognition of own I-spiritual (eternal), I-deed (future) through I-normative (present) to the I-informative (past) which comprehended, perceived and cognitively fixing in dynamic system of attitudes to the present.



Spatio-temporal characteristics of classes of socio-psychological impact


Classes of social-psychological impact









Under-parameters of space





Basic properties of subjective experienced time





Psychological stages of self-creation participants of parity continuous interaction




Knowledge – Behavior – Subject




Norms – Activity – Personality




Values –

Deed actions – Individuality




Spirituality – Comprehend – Universum


So when during innovative learning the participant of relationship will reach the developmental peaks of I-spiritual so fully comprehend and internally takes the moment of self-creation of own spiritual intentions, values, norms and knowledge. In other words, only when it becomes the universum so deeply realize himself and as individuality, and as personality, and as subject. Yet some kind of bridge between nothingness and eternity or “starting point” to improvement on “the arrow of subjective time” is exactly the present that symbolize the realization of each the forecast by modular-developmental cycle of educational norm-creation and sense-creation (not only creation of projects, algorithms, plans and other tools of social relations but also self-extraction of cost landmark-ideals, ideas, estimates, beliefs, etc.) which gives a possibility to understand and accept own self-affirmation in specific social situation of life-realization by principle “here – now – full-weighty”.

In this way, class of spiritual-universum self-creation crossed with eternal, value-individual self-impact – with future, norm-personal interference – with the present and cognitive-subjective impact – with past. That’s why they have complex not only space but also a time structure and represent by themselves some psychological formation in the flow of passing of time by student. (table).



  1. The problem of psychological impact opens wide horizons not only for carrying out the successful theoretical and methodological searches but also for the implementation the project-designing, experimental, methodological and psychotherapy kinds of work in the field of modern psycho-practice.
  2. Becoming of developmental processes of young generation is impossible without defending and mastering by them the knowledge, norms, values in own life-realization as far as the last will help to build humane, legal and democratic society. Fully provide mentioned cycle is capable new educational model – modular-developmental system of education in secondary and higher school which with help of parameters of IPC gives to each status of subject, personality, individual and universum during realization by them educational deed actions of self-affirmation or self-determination in education-cultural space-time.




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